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Welcome to the Andy Bondurant Substack. Most people make connecting to God too complicated. I’ve found this in over 25 years of professional and volunteer ministry experience in the urban, suburban, international, and domestic worlds, and now as a pastor in a local church in Kansas. 

Most people don’t believe they can personally connect to God.

Understanding and knowing the God of the Bible is easier than you think, and I want to show you how.

You can find a new article about every Friday where I’ll show you how to connect with and understand God. If you don’t want to miss one, sign up for updates. When you sign up, I’ll send you some free resources:

  1. An eBook devotional where you’ll draw closer to God in just 30 days.

  2. A guide to creating a Word of the Year, that, if you commit to it, will build a pattern of connecting with God regularly.

  3. This is a PDF booklet on dealing with disappointment with God. Disappointment is one of the common issues that trip people up in their faith. This booklet will guide you through the first few steps of dealing with disappointment.

Subscribe to receive every newsletter, the 30-Day Devotional, and both PDF booklets. You'll never miss an update.

Free vs Paid Subscription

This newsletter has been and always will be a labor of love. I’ve been writing on Substack and, before this, on a self-hosted blog for years. I write for myself as much as I write for you, and because of this, this site will always be free.

However, this newsletter is a lot of work, and it is not entirely free to produce.

If you would like to support this work, I would be honored to include you in a group of people who give on a monthly or yearly basis to my ministry. Eventually, this may include extra material, but the motivation should be supporting my ministry.

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As important as your financial support is, you are spreading this newsletter to your friends and family. If you have someone in your world who you think would benefit from my writing, feel free to share it. As I said above, it is and always will be free.

Together, let’s help people connect to God.

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My name is Andy Bondurant, and welcome to my blog. With over 25 years of professional and volunteer ministry experience, I find most people make connecting to God too complicated. It's not complex, and I can show you how to know God.


I'm a husband, a dad, a pastor, a writer, and a fan of soccer. Where should we start?